The WCSSF is an interclub competitive league designed to provide the Recreational Plus Player (9U-19U/HS) a competitive experience, while focusing on equitable fair play and good sportsmanship while providing a venue for the players to have fun.
To this end, the WCSSF believes that the following standards of behavior for players, parents, and coaches are essential to our goals.
Players: The WCSSF will not tolerate behavior which brings the WCSSF, your club, team or game into disrepute. To this end, players must abide by the following minimum standards at all times:
- Be respectful towards teammates, opponents, coaches and referees. Conduct yourself with honor, dignity, and self-control.
- Play the game for the fun of the game, the challenge, and the chance to show your best. Be gracious when you lose and generous when you win.
- Accept decisions of coaches and referees with class and dignity. Believe in their judgment and honesty.
Players who do not abide by these expectations will be disciplined by game officials, their coach, and, in very extreme situations, the WCSSF.
Parents: The WCSSF will not tolerate behavior which brings the WCSSF, your club, team, or game into disrepute. The WCSSF believes that the attitude shown by parents toward the coach, the referees, the opposing players and the importance of winning vs. losing are of paramount importance. Inappropriate comments or actions by adults bent on short term success rather than the long range benefits undermines the essence of competition and introduces stresses which are inappropriate for children:
- Encourage your player by word and example. The athlete is counting on you as their primary teacher – in soccer and in life!
- Accept the decisions of referees and coaches with style and dignity. Never criticize a referee’s integrity, honesty or judgment. They are there to do an honest job which few others are willing to undertake.
- Applaud good play by all players. Opponents are friends, for without them your child could not play. Parents who do not abide by these expectations may be required to leave the field by the referee, the coach, or any Board member of the WCSSF.
Coaches: The WCSSF will not tolerate behavior which brings the WCSSF, your club, team, or game into disrepute. The WCSSF has high standards for the conduct of its coaches. They must be the standard bearers of good sportsmanship, conduct and ethical behavior at all times. The WCSSF believes that the coach must set and maintain an example for all players and spectators to follow:
- The spirit of the game and its laws are non-negotiable. Coaches need to work hard to create success for the development of players and the team by following the rules and their intent.
- Respect towards game officials, opponents, and players are absolutely required. Coaches must expect to be treated with respect, honor, and dignity and must demonstrate the same at all times.
- The conduct of the players is a reflection of the coach. The coach is expected to uphold high standards of sportsmanship for all players at all times and remember that the reputation of the organization and town is formed by the behavior of all its representatives.
Coaches who fail to abide by these expectations will face disciplinary action by game officials and any Board member of the WCSSF.
Procedure to Address Complaints:
The WCSSF has a standing committee to address violations of our Code of Conduct. If any member of our Association wishes to complain about conduct which they believe is contrary to our Code of Conduct, they must:
- Address the issue with the person directly, either verbally or in writing, within one week of the incident or issue at hand.
- If there is no satisfactory resolution, then the complainant must, within one week and in written form, notify the WCSSF.
- All matters which are directed to the WCSSF will be responded to within one week of the receipt of the complaint.
- Decisions and actions by the WCSSF to address the complaint are final.